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Tips for using a climatic chamber in summer

As the year’s midpoint arrives and the northern hemisphere’s summer season commences, the heat poses a significant challenge for climatic test chambers. Particularly for air-cooled models, excessively high temperatures could impede their functionality. As the season heats up, here are some measures to ensure the reliable operation of climatic test chambers:

The operational temperature range for the RIUKAI climatic test chamber is 5°C to 35°C. If the ambient temperature surpasses 35°C, it is advisable to deploy air conditioning systems or alternative cooling mechanisms to maintain the temperature below the threshold. Beyond merely regulating the ambient temperature to meet the environmental simulation chamber’s specifications, consider the following:

  • Position the environmental simulation chambers out of direct sunlight.
  • Besides temperature, climatic test chambers have humidity requirements (not exceeding 85% relative humidity). In some regions, summer may bring elevated humidity levels. Keep an eye on the ambient humidity, as high levels can interfere with the chamber’s humidity settings.
  • Opt for a location with minimal dust and ample air circulation. Avoid placing flammable, explosive, intensely radiant, or highly corrosive materials in the vicinity of the environmental simulation chamber.
  • Conduct regular maintenance of the climatic test chamber’s components: condensers, water reservoirs, water receptacles, water conduits, electronic parts, and so on.
  • Ensure that the electrical supply conforms to the climatic test chamber’s needs, and periodically inspect the stability of the connections in each electrical circuit.

In the event of excessively high ambient temperatures, the climatic test chamber may experience issues such as failure to cool, abnormal cooling processes, increased noise levels, or alarms from current and voltage safety devices. To guarantee the efficient and stable functioning of the environmental simulation chamber, this guide aims to provide insights into the necessary precautions for operating the chamber during the summer months.

Temperature Chamber Recommendation

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